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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


Alert Monitoring and Logging

The Storage Management Service performs alert monitoring and logging. By default, the Storage Management service starts when the managed system starts up. If you stop the Storage Management Service, then alert monitoring and logging stops. Alert monitoring does the following:

  • Updates the status of the storage object that generated the alert.
  • Propagates the storage object’s status to all the related higher objects in the storage hierarchy. For example, the status of a lower-level object is propagated up to the status displayed on the Health tab for the top-level Storage object.
  • Logs an alert in the alert log and the operating system application log.
  • Sends an SNMP trap if the operating system’s SNMP service is installed and enabled.
    • NOTE: Server Administrator Storage Management does not log alerts regarding the data I/O path. These alerts are logged by the respective RAID drivers in the system alert log.

See the Server Administrator Storage Management Online Help for updated information.

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