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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


BMC Watchdog Events

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Table 1. BMC Watchdog Events
Event Message Severity Cause
BMC OS Watchdog timer expired. Information This event is generated when the BMC watchdog timer expires and no action is set.
BMC OS Watchdog performed system reboot. Critical This event is generated when the BMC watchdog detects that the system has crashed (timer expired because no response was received from Host) and the action is set to reboot.
BMC OS Watchdog performed system power off. Critical This event is generated when the BMC watchdog detects that the system has crashed (timer expired because no response was received from Host) and the action is set to power off.
BMC OS Watchdog performed system power cycle. Critical This event is generated when the BMC watchdog detects that the system has crashed (timer expired because no response was received from Host) and the action is set to power cycle.
The OS watchdog timer reset the system. Critical This event is generated when the BMC watchdog detects that the system has crashed (timer expired because no response was received from Host) and the action is set to reboot.
The OS watchdog timer powered cycle the system. Critical This event is generated when the BMC watchdog detects that the system has crashed (timer expired because no response was received from Host) and the action is set to power cycle.
The OS watchdog timer powered off the system. Critical This event is generated when the BMC watchdog detects that the system has crashed (timer expired because no response was received from Host) and the action is set to power off.
The OS watchdog timer expired. Critical This event is generated when the BMC watchdog timer expires and no action is set.

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