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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


Intrusion Events

The chassis intrusion messages are a security measure. Chassis intrusion alerts are generated when the system's chassis is opened. Alerts are sent to prevent unauthorized removal of parts from the chassis.

Table 1. Intrusion Events
Event Message Severity Cause
< Intrusion sensor Name> sensor detected an intrusion. Critical This event is generated when the intrusion sensor detects an intrusion.
< Intrusion sensor Name> sensor returned to normal state. Information This event is generated when the earlier intrusion has been corrected.
< Intrusion sensor Name> sensor intrusion was asserted while system was ON. Critical This event is generated when the intrusion sensor detects an intrusion while the system is on.
< Intrusion sensor Name> sensor intrusion was asserted while system was OFF. Critical This event is generated when the intrusion sensor detects an intrusion while the system is off.
The chassis is open. Critical This event is generated when the intrusion sensor detects an intrusion.
The chassis is closed. Information This event is generated when the earlier intrusion has been corrected.
The chassis is open while the power is on. Critical This event is generated when the intrusion sensor detects an intrusion while the system is on.
The chassis is closed while the power is on. Information This event is generated when the earlier intrusion has been corrected while the power is on.
The chassis is open while the power is off. Critical This event is generated when the intrusion sensor detects an intrusion while the system is off.
The chassis is closed while the power is off. Information This event is generated when the earlier intrusion has been corrected while the power is off.

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