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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


Operating System Generated System Events

Table 1. Operating System Generated System Events
Description Severity Cause
System Event: OS stop event OS graceful shutdown detected Information The operating system was shutdown/restarted normally.
OEM Event data record (after OS graceful shutdown/restart event) Information Comment string accompanying an operating system shutdown/ restart.
System Event: OS stop event runtime critical stop Critical The operating system encountered a critical error and was stopped abnormally.
OEM Event data record (after OS bugcheck event) Information Operating system bugcheck code and parameters.
A critical stop occurred during OS load. Critical The operating system encountered a critical error and was stopped abnormally while loading.
A runtime critical stop occurred. Critical The operating system encountered a critical error and was stopped abnormally.
An OS graceful stop occurred. Information The operating system was stopped.
An OS graceful shut-down occurred. Information The operating system was shut down normally.

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