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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


Temperature Sensor Events

The temperature sensor event messages help protect critical components by alerting the systems management console when the temperature rises inside the chassis. These event messages use additional variables, such as sensor location, chassis location, previous state, and temperature sensor value or state.

Table 1. Temperature Sensor Events
Event Message Severity Cause
<Sensor Name/Location> temperature sensor detected a failure <Reading> where <Sensor Name/Location> is the entity that this sensor is monitoring. For example, "PROC Temp" or "Planar Temp." Reading is specified in degree Celsius. For example 100 C. Critical Temperature of the backplane board, system board, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> exceeded the critical threshold.
<Sensor Name/Location> temperature sensor detected a warning <Reading>. Warning Temperature of the backplane board, system board, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> exceeded the non-critical threshold.
<Sensor Name/Location> temperature sensor returned to warning state <Reading>. Warning Temperature of the backplane board, system board, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> returned from critical state to non-critical state.
<Sensor Name/Location> temperature sensor returned to normal state <Reading>. Information Temperature of the backplane board, system board, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> returned to normal operating range.
The <Sensor Name/ Location> temperature is less than the lower warning threshold. Warning Temperature of the backplane, system board, system inlet, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> entered into non-critical state.
The <Sensor Name/ Location> temperature is less than the lower critical threshold. Critical Temperature of the backplane, system board, system inlet, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> entered into critical state.
The <Sensor Name/ Location> temperature is greater than the upper warning threshold. Warning Temperature of the backplane, system board, system inlet, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> entered into non-critical state.
The <Sensor Name/ Location> temperature is greater than the upper critical threshold. Critical Temperature of the backplane, system board, system inlet, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> entered into critical state.
The <Sensor Name/ Location> temperature is outside of range. Critical Temperature of the backplane, system board, system inlet, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> is outside of normal operating range.
The <Sensor Name/ Location> temperature is within range. Information Temperature of the backplane, system board, system inlet, or the carrier in the specified system <Sensor Name/Location> returned to a normal operating range.

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