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OpenManage Enterprise: How to update servers in an offline location

Summary: This article provides an overview of different update methods using OpenManage Enterprise for locations that may not have direct Internet access, also known as dark sites.

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OpenManage Enterprise can be deployed and configured to operate on a dark site to manage, inventory, and process updates using OpenManage Enterprise without an Internet connection. In order for this to work correctly there are a few steps that must be performed.


OpenManage Enterprise relies on catalogs in order to compare the current available updates to the system inventory. It is possible to work with OpenManage Enterprise without direct Internet access.
NOTE: Article Updating Firmware and Drivers on Dell PowerEdge Servers provides an overview of the different update methods available for Dell PowerEdge Servers. 
  1. Use DRM: Dell Repository Manager (DRM) creates bundles (SUU) or has the functionality to export to a share, which would include the updates and the catalog that must be mapped to OpenManage Enterprise. DRM requires installation on a system that does have Internet access, to download the files from the Dell website, then export the catalog and updates to an internal share. The resulting files can then be copied to a share on the dark site.

Affected Products

Dell Repository Manager Version 2.1, Dell Repository Manager Version 2.2, Dell Repository Manager Version 2.0
Article Properties
Article Number: 000212524
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024
Version:  3
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