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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 1.0 User's Guide


Configuring Windows PowerShell

  • Ensure that you have Administrative privileges on the Dell business client system.
  • By default Windows PowerShell has its ExecutionPolicy set to Restricted. To run the Dell Command | PowerShell Provider cmdlets and functions, ExecutionPolicy must be changed to RemoteSigned at a minimum. To apply the ExecutionPolicy, run Windows PowerShell with Administrator privileges, and run the following command within the PowerShell console:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -force
    • NOTE:
      • If there are more restrictive security requirements, set the ExecutionPolicy to AllSigned. Run the following command within the PowerShell console: Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned  -Force
      • If using an ExecutionPolicy based process, run Set-ExecutionPolicy each time a Windows PowerShell console is opened.
  • To run Dell Command | PowerShell Provider remotely, you must enable PS remoting on the remote system. To initiate remote commands, check system requirements and configuration requirements by running the following command:
    PS C:> Get-Help About_Remote_Requirements

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