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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 1.0 User's Guide


Installing Dell Command | PowerShell Provider

To install Dell Command | PowerShell Provider, perform the following steps:


Delete any previously installed version of Dell Command | PowerShell Provider before installing the Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 1.0. See, Uninstalling Dell Command | PowerShell Provider .

  1. Unblock the downloaded DellCommandPowerShellProvider1.0_<build number>.zip file. See, Unblocking the DellCommandPowerShellProvider1.0_<build number>.zip .
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. Create a module folder at ${env:ProgramFiles}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. Alternatively, to create a module folder, execute the following command in a Windows PowerShell console.
    New-Item -Type Container -Force -path <folder path>
  4. Copy the folders and files from the downloaded zip file to Dell Command | PowerShell Provider module folder.
    • For 32-bit systems; copy the files from DellBIOSProviderX86 folder to ${env:ProgramFiles}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
    • For 64-bit systems; copy the files from DellBIOSProvider folder to ${env:ProgramFiles}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
  5. After install, run the Get-Module –ListAvailable command to verify that the module is available along with the available exported commands.

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