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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 1.0 User's Guide



Before installing Dell Command | PowerShell Provider, ensure that you have the following system configuration:
Supported software Supported versions Additional information
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Windows 7 natively includes PowerShell 2.0. This can be upgraded to 3.0 to meet the software requirements for using Dell command | PowerShell Provider.
Windows Management Framework (WMF) WMF 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0  
Windows PowerShell 3.0 and later See Installing Windows PowerShell , and Configuring Windows PowerShell
SMBIOS 2.3 and later
The target system is a Dell manufactured system with System Management Basic Input Output System (SMBIOS) version 2.3 or later.
  • NOTE: To identify the SMBIOS version of the system, click Start > Run, and run the msinfo32.exe file. Check for the SMBIOS version in System Summery page.
Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable 2010, 2012 Both 2010, and 2012 should be available

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