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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 1.0 User's Guide


Importing Dell Command | PowerShell Provider

Import Dell Command | PowerShell Provider before you start using its functions. To Import the module,

  1. Open the Windows PowerShell console with administrator privileges.
  2. Run the following command:

For 32-bit systems; Import-Module DellBIOSProviderX86 –Verbose

For 64-bit systems; Import-Module DellBIOSProvider –Verbose

Figure 1. Importing module along with custom functionsImporting module along with custom functions
To verify the import, run the following cmdlet within PowerShell console, and look for DellSMBIOS.
  • NOTE: To remove Dell Command | PowerShell Provider from the console, run the following command within the Windows PowerShell console:

    For 32-bit systems; Remove-Module DellBiosProviderX86 –Verbose

    For 64-bit systems; Remove-Module DellBIOSProvider –Verbose

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