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Dell Precision Optimizer Owner's Manual


The left side of the home page displays the currently active and inactive profiles for select applications. A profile is a collection of system settings that are grouped together to optimize the Dell Precision workstation’s performance for your application. You can activate or de-activate a profile. Multiple profiles may be active at the same time. Even after you exit the Dell Precision Optimizer user interface, the selected profile(s) remain active.

Figure displaying active and inactive profiles.

Dell Precision Optimizer has several application specific profiles to help improve the user experience. These profiles are disabled by default. You may have to enable the profile for your given application (if available in Dell Precision Optimizer) to see its benefits.

New application profiles will be made available via Optimizer system updates available in the System Maintenance module or Check New Profiles.

Check New Profiles

When this button is clicked, the application checks if there are any new profiles that are available on the server. New profiles are downloaded, obsolete profiles may be deleted and some profiles may get updated from the server.

  • NOTE: This feature functions when the machine is connected to the internet.

Active Profiles

This section lists the profiles that are currently active on your system. A profile is considered active if it is enabled and its policies are started every time the system starts. The user can click on any of these profiles to navigate to the  Profiles and Policies page and see the details of the selected profile. Users will also be able to disable an active profile or enable an inactive profile.

Inactive Profiles

A profile that is not active is called an inactive profile. These profiles are disabled by the user.

  • NOTE: The software may come with special profiles that can be activated when no other profile is active. Once activated, such profiles will automatically be deactivated by the software once they have executed. “ Dell Factory Settings” profile is such a profile that can be used to restore certain system parameters (that may be changed by Dell Precision Optimizer) back to their factory defaults.

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