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Dell Precision Optimizer Owner's Manual

Workload Analysis

This is a switch that can be turned ON to track the system resource utilization (i.e. CPU, Memory, Graphics and Disk) while a specific work load is executing. This switch must be manually turned OFF once the work load has completed. Setting the Maximum Duration prevents the report from running indefinitely if the user forgets to turn the switch OFF.

  • NOTE: The report will automatically turn OFF if you shut down or reboot the system.

Once the report is ready, click the View button to see the report.

  • NOTE: It may take a few minutes to prepare the report after you click on the View button.
Figure displaying workload analysis button.


Click this button to view the report that was generated the last time the Analyze Workload switch was activated. You may print this report for your records or send it to your IT Administrator for analysis.

Clicking the Upgrade Options button will take you to the Dell Parts and Services Page if you system is connected to the internet.

Figure displaying graph.

You may select or deselect any of the 4 categories of graphs. This will allows you to just see the graphs that you are interested in.

To zoom into any area of the graph you may left-click on the one corner of the rectangle to zoom into and then while keeping the left-button down, drag the mouse to the other end of the area to zoom into. You can also scale  the graph up/down by pressing the CTRL key and while the CTRL key is pressed move the mouse away from the origin (scale up) or towards the origin (scale down). Once the graph is zoomed in, if you want to move the graph around, you can press the SHIFT key and while the SHIFT key is down, move the mouse to move the visible portion of the graph.

Finally, to zoom out to the original graph, press the ZOOM OUT button.

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