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Dell Precision Optimizer Owner's Manual


Table 1. Installation Issues
Issue Solution
Can I use Dell Precision Optimizer on my non-Dell laptop or desktop?

No. Dell Precision Optimizer software has been especially designed to optimize the performance of your Dell machine. Dell Precision Optimizer will not run on any non-Dell system.

Why does Dell Precision Optimizer installer fail with a message saying my system is not supported?

Dell Precision Optimizer will not install on operating systems other than Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. Windows Vista or earlier versions are not supported. 

Table 2. Home Page
Issue Solution
Why don’t I see the Graphics Utilization bar on the home page of Dell Precision Optimizer application?

This is not a cause for concern. Graphics utilization is not available on some Dell systems. Based on the configuration of your system, this data may not be available. In some cases, even if the graphics adapter is supported by Dell Precision Optimizer, the graphics driver may not be compatible OR the current active display may not be via the supported graphics adapter. This may happen later if Switchable Graphics is enabled on the system.

Table 3. Profiles
Issue Solution
Why do I see “ Policy needs reboot” message?

Some of the Dell Precision Optimizer policies change system attributes that require a reboot before the changes can take effect. When this happens the user is informed and given an opportunity to reboot the system. You can decide to reboot later but the changes applied to your system will become effective only after you reboot. Some examples of policies that require reboot are those that change Processor Hyper-Threading, Processor Cores etc.

Why do I see “ Policy needs application restart” message?

Some of the Dell Precision Optimizer policies change system attributes that require the ISV application to be restarted before the changes can take effect. When this happens the user is informed and given an opportunity to restart the ISV application. You can decide to continue using the application but the changes applied to your system will become effective only the next time the application is started. Some examples of policies that require application restart are those that change Nvidia settings.

Why do I see “ Policy conflict occurred” message?

You may have two different active profiles that contain policies that change the same system attribute to different values. When such a situation is detected by Dell Precision Optimizer, one of the policies is aborted and the user is notified. Dell Precision Optimizer determines a policy conflict at application runtime, not policy selection.

To avoid such a situation, you must not activate conflicting policies at the same time. Such policies are meant to be enabled one at a time to optimize the system for ISV applications running in different modes. If you get a policy conflict message, please disable one of the profiles.

Table 4. Maintenance
Issue Solution
Why does “ Check for Updates” or “ Apply Updates ” fail?

Check for updates or Apply updates may fail if you do not have an internet connection or if the Dell server is not reachable.  Please check your network connection and try again after some time.

You may also see this failure because of a conflict with some other application that updates your system e.g. Dell Client System Update software. If this happens, please retry the operation after closing other applications and associated update schedulers.

Why do I see “ Update requires reboot” message sometimes?

Not all software updates require the system to be rebooted. If you get this message, it means that the software update that was just applied can only become effective once your system is rebooted. Please save all your data and close all running applications before rebooting your system.

Why do I see the same list of available updates even after I apply some updates?

The list of available updates is not updated automatically after you apply some updates until you run Check For Updates again.

Table 5. Analyze
Issue Solution
Will enabling Dell System Analysis or Workload Analysis impact my system’s performance?

Dell System/Workload Analysis is a very powerful tool and has been extensively tested to ensure that it does not adversely impact your system’s performance or battery life. However, please bear in mind that it is a tracking tool meant to be used as needed.  You need not keep it enabled at all times.

Table 6. CPU & Graphics Intelligence
Issue Solution
Will enabling CPU or Graphics Intelligence graphs impact my system’s performance?

As with Dell System/Workload Analysis tools, this tool is meant to be used as needed.  You need not keep it enabled at all times.

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