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  • Hallitse Dell EMC-sivustoja, tuotteita ja tuote-tason yhteystietoja yrityksen hallinnan avulla.

Dell Precision Optimizer Owner's Manual

Resource Utilization

Figure displaying resource utilization screen.
The home page displays the utilizations of the following resources:
  • CPU
  • Graphics
  • Storage
  • Memory
The needle of the speedometers shows the current utilization of CPU, Graphics, Memory and Storage. This data is refreshed every 2 seconds. If Dell System Analysis is enabled on the system, you may also see a green portion in the speedometer arc. The green portion (if present) represents the previous utilization average read from the last Dell Smart Tracking report. For Example: If the Average Memory Utilization (previously recorded) was 38%, then the green bar will go from 0-38% in the first speedometer dial.
Figure displaying the needle.

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