• Need to Know podcast series

    Your source for Cyber Resilience

    Elizabeth Green, EMEA Advisory and Cyber Lead at Dell Technologies EMEA invites leading cyber security specialists and experts to probe the key issues and share best practices for combatting current and emerging cyber threats.

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      • Need to Know Podcast host: Elizabeth Green

        Liz Green is a Cyber Resilience and Security specialist with a background in data protection, endpoint and network security as well as cyber and incident recovery. A keen cyber security thinker, she enjoys meeting different thought leaders and technologists who share her drive for creating secure technologies for a trusted internet. Liz is passionate about empowering women to lead and in her spare time she mentors young STEM candidates. She is an advocate for diversity and inclusion and is an active contributor to the Dell Technologies Mental Health Network and Women in Action.

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      • Season 2

    • Episode 1: Regulation, Policy and Diversity in Cybersecurity

      In this episode we explore how regulation, policy and diversity all have a part to play in building cyber resilience strategy.

      Yasmin Brooks from Brunswick Group explains why industry involvement in forming regulations is vital in ensuring it is balanced, not prescriptive, and how the Cybersecurity space is perfectly placed to help champion diversity when building talented teams.

    • Episode 2: The legal risks arising from poor internal stakeholder communications and how to mitigate them

      Discover the legal risks arising from poor internal stakeholder communications, how to mitigate those risks and also the emerging trends that organizations need to be wary of.

      Liz Green is joined by Alfred J. Saikali, Chair, Privacy and Data Security Practice, Shook, Hardy & Bacon, to gain a legal perspective on the risks, mitigation opportunities and emerging challenges in the privacy and data security.

    • Episode 3: How The Banking Sector Has Paved The Way For Socially Responsible Data Protection

      Cooperation – even between competitors – has been vital to increasing Cyber resilience and recover capability throughout the financial sector.

      Liz Green is joined by Carlos Recalde, CEO of Sheltered Harbor, to unpack how learnings around information and expertise sharing can inform organizations in other sectors in building their resilience and data protection strategy.

    • Episode 4: INSIGHTS FROM A CSO

      In this episode we look at cyber resilience through the lens of a Chief Security Officer.

      Liz Green is joined by John Scimone, President, Chief Security Officer at Dell Technologies, who shares insights gained from time working at the US Department of Defence, Sony Group and Dell Technologies. 



      • Season 1

    • Episode 1: Need to know: Why it takes a village

      In this episode we take a look at the ecosystem required to build cyber resilience and cyber preparedness.

      Jim Shook from Dell Technologies explains why it requires an ecosystem made up of internal stakeholders and external partners like Dell, hyperscalers, advisories, service providers and insurers. He also shares some of the perils of overlooking any of these stakeholders.


      In a multi-cloud world, it’s important to know where to invest to protect all your cloud-based workloads, especially as more and more data is stored and processed in Cloud environments.

      Liz Green is joined by Danny Johnston, GTM Global Financial Services and Tom Tasker, Senior Storage Solution Architect, both from AWS, and explores how the right partnerships can help reduce Cloud risk.

    • EPISODE 3: NEED TO KNOW: How to adopt SQUEAKY clean cyber hygiene

      Discover the risks surrounding cyber hygiene, who the main actors are and some valuable practical steps to improving your cyber hygiene. 

      Liz Green is joined by Sian John, Director of Microsoft Security Business Development, and discovers insights into effective cyber hygiene. 


      Learn about the significant contribution being made by start-ups as they drive innovation in cyber security.

      Liz Green is joined by Saj Huq, Chief Commercial Officer from Plexal, and discovers key areas of innovation where start-ups  are leading the charge.

    • EPISODE 5: NEED TO KNOW: How to stand out as a cyber leader

      Discover what it takes to be a cyber leader.

      Liz Green is joined by William McLeod Scott, Risk Advisory Partner from Deloitte to examine how building the right team, making the right investments, and correctly assessing Cyber risk are paramount to effective resilience strategies.

    • EPISODE 6: NEED TO KNOW: What’s next and what to do about it

      Discover how organisations can learn to understand incident causation and the underlying causes of a cyber attack.
      Liz Green is joined by Clare Patterson, CyberCompare Advisory Board member and PHD Researcher at University of Kent.  They discuss Clare’s research, common causes of cyber attacks and valuable learnings that leaders must take from attacks.

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