Farthest Up in Ability to Execute, Farthest Right in Completeness of Vision – RSA Archer Customers Make a Difference in GRC Leadership

This week, Gartner, Inc. released the 2013 Gartner Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance Magic Quadrant (MQ) and positioned EMC–RSA, as a Leader in Risk and Compliance Management for the second year in a row.  EMC-RSA has also received a Strong Positive, the highest rating possible, in the Gartner 2013 MarketScope for IT Governance, Risk and Compliance Management (1) and was positioned in the Leaders quadrant of the 2013 Magic Quadrant for Business Continuity Management Platforms. (2)

2013 Gartner eGRC MQ Results

What makes this latest report stand out?  We believe there’s no arguing with the EMC RSA positioning  on the Magic Quadrant… farthest up in Ability to Execute, farthest to the right in Completeness of Vision. But there’s much more to the story.   Our journey from an IT GRC-focused solution to an integrated Enterprise GRC business solution provider has provided challenges. Many believed that an IT GRC leader could not begin to understand the needs of operational risk, regulatory change management or environmental health and safety compliance.  From the beginning, the RSA Archer team has been steadfast in our belief that while the data for these GRC use cases may be different, the underlying business process and taxonomy for IT and Enterprise GRC remains much the same.  Why is this belief so strong?  Simply put, our customers were already making it reality in their businesses.

Summit CustomersWe have come really far, really fast, and much of that is based on our passionate customer base.  If you visit the online RSA Archer Community, attend an Executive Forum meeting or our annual RSA GRC Summit you can quickly see that.  RSA Archer customers are the true innovators of GRC, and as early adopters of risk and compliance technology, they have brought business-line expertise to an evolving technology market and made it better.

What truly makes our story different is that these amazing customers are willing to SHARE.  As GRC early adopters, they share their best practices, lessons learned and tips to ease painful trials that they face when implementing business change.

Executives share their thoughts on addressing upcoming regulatory burdens, line of business leaders reveal best practice processes and administrators divulge their most innovative risk calculations.  Our customers not only advocate their success with other RSA Archer customers, but support their peers in their respective industries at user conferences and regional user groups.

Summit Customers 3

Sometimes our customers may be competitors in their respective industries, but that does not dissuade them from their goal – to bring about change and success in their organization and ultimately to our industry.

On behalf of the entire RSA Archer team, we want to heartily thank our customers.  We thank them for their expertise, their guidance on improving our technology, their loyalty and their advocacy.  Our customers make RSA Archer a leader in GRC.

(1) Gartner RAS Core Research Note G00250200 MarketScope for IT Governance, Risk and Compliance Management, Paul E. Proctor, 07 June 2013. (2) Gartner RAS Core Research Note G00217265 Magic Quadrant for Business Continuity Management Planning Software, Roberta J. Witty, John P Morency, 26 August 2013.

This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from EMC-RSA. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About the Author: Susan Read-Miller