PowerEdge C powers OpenStack install fest

Yesterday morning I made the drive down to San Antonio for OpenStack’s second design summit (and first open to the public).  If you’re not familiar with OpenStack, its an open source cloud platform founded on contributed code from Rackspace and NASA’s Nebula cloud.   The project was kicked off back in July at an inaugural design summit held in Austin.

The project has picked up quite a bit of momentum in its first four months.  Attending this week’s 4-day conference are close to 300 people, representing 90 companies, from 12 countries.  The event is broken into a business track and design track (where actual design decisions are being made and code is being written).

Powering the Install Fest

For the project Dell has sent down a bunch of PowerEdge C servers which have been set-up upstairs on the 5th floor.  OpenStack compute has been installed on the two racks of servers and are up and running.   Tomorrow, coders will get access to these systems during the install fest.   During the fest attendees will each be given a virtual machine on the cloud to test and learn about installing and deploying OpenStack to the cloud.

I got Bret Piatt, who handles Technical Alliances for OpenStack, to take me on a quick tour of the set-up.  Check it out:

Featuring: Brett Piatt, PowerEdge C1100, C2100, C6100 and C6105

Extra-Credit reading:

Pau for now…

About the Author: Barton George