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Avamar: Replication fails to start with error message "Failed to initiate replication because no proxy was found to service the job."

Summary: After the Avamar server is upgraded or the certificates are renewed, replications will not start, an error message prompts with code 30978 and stating "Failed to initiate replication because no proxy was found to service the job." in the description. ...

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Replications will not start or get queued, whenever you try to run it manually you get this error:
Event Detail

Also the avagent log under "/usr/local/avamar/var/client/avagent.log" is not up to date and the last entries in it were before the server upgrade.

In case this was after certificates renewal, the avagent log will complain from the older certificate expiry date.



Further investigation is required to determine the cause, but it looks like the Avagent service was not restarted properly during the workflow or after.

If renewing certificates, the avagent still tries the old certificates until we restart it.



Restart the avagent service and try again.

  1. Log in to the utility node as admin and switch to root user:

    su -
  2. Restart the avagent service:

    service avagent restart
  3. Confirm that avagent is now up and running:

    service avagent status
  4. Check the avagent logs and confirm that it is up to date:

    ls -lthr /usr/local/avamar/var/client/avagent.log
  5. Run the replication again.


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Article Properties
Article Number: 000182782
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 04 Feb 2025
Version:  4
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