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Dell Data Protection Virtual Edition Server Create Certificate Request exits to the Shell

Podsumowanie: This article provides a workaround when Dell Data Protection | Virtual Edition Server Create Certificate Request exits to the Shell.

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Treść artykułu


Affected Products:

  • Dell Data Protection | Virtual Edition


Not Applicable


Dell Data Protection | Virtual Edition Server Administration Console may exit to a Shell screen, when selecting the Create Certificate Request.

You can exit this screen by entering the username: ddpuser and password

To work around this issue, launch the Shell and follow these steps:

  1. Type su ddpsupport and press Enter.
  2. Input the ddpsupport password and press Enter.
  3. Type the command, cd /opt/dell/cfg and press Enter.
  4. Type the command sudo rm cert.cfg and press Enter.
  5. Type exit and press Enter, then type exit and press Enter again to get back to the Administration Console.
  6. Return to the Create Certificate Request section which prompts for the required fields.
Note: This is resolved in Dell Data Protection | Virtual Edition v9.2.

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Właściwości artykułu

Produkt, którego dotyczy problem

Dell Encryption

Data ostatniej publikacji

05 mar 2024



Typ artykułu
