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OptiPlex 5090 Micro Form Factor Setup and Specifications

Hardware Security

Table 1. Hardware Security The following table provides the hardware security detail for your computer:
Types of Hardware Security
One Kensington security-cable slot
One Padlock loop
Chassis intrusion switch
SafeID including Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0
Smart card keyboard (FIPS)
Microsoft 10 Device Guard and Credential Guard (Enterprise SKU)
Microsoft Windows Bitlocker
Local hard drive data wipe through BIOS (Secure Erase)
Self-encrypting storage drives (Opal, FIPS)
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0
China TPM
Intel Secure Boot
Intel Authenticate
SafeBIOS: includes Dell Off-host BIOS Verification, BIOS Resilience, BIOS Recovery, and additional BIOS Controls
Physical Security Options: Chassis lock slot support, Chassis Intrusion Switch, Lockable Cable Covers, Supply chain tamper alerts

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