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OptiPlex 5090 Micro Form Factor Setup and Specifications

Intel Optane Memory H10 with Solid-State Storage (optional)

Intel Optane Memory technology uses 3D XPoint memory technology and functions as a nonvolatile storage cache/accelerator and/or storage device depending on the Intel Optane Memory that is installed in your computer.

Intel Optane Memory H10 with Solid-State Storage functions as both a nonvolatile storage cache or accelerator (enabling enhanced read/write speeds for hard drive storage) and a solid-state storage solution. It neither replaces nor adds to the memory (RAM) installed on your computer.

Table 1. Intel Optane Memory H10 with Solid-State Storage specificationsThe following table provides the Intel Optane Memory H10 with Solid-State Storage information for OptiPlex 5090 Micro Form Factor.
Description Values


PCIe 3 x4 NVMe
  • One PCIe 3 x2 for Optane memory
  • One PCIe 3 x2 for solid-state storage


Form factor 2280
Capacity (Intel Optane memory) Up to 32 GB
Capacity (solid-state storage) Up to 512 GB
NOTE:Intel Optane Memory H10 with Solid-State Storage is supported on computers that meet the following requirements:
  • 9th Generation or higher Intel Core i3/i5/i7 processors
  • Windows 10 64-bit version or higher
  • Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver version or higher

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