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OptiPlex 5090 Micro Form Factor Setup and Specifications

Set up your OptiPlex 5090 Micro

The images in this document may differ from your computer depending on the configuration you ordered.


  1. Connect the keyboard and mouse.
    Connect the keyboard and mouse
  2. Connect to your network using a cable, or connect to a wireless network.
    Connect to your network using a cable, or connect to a wireless network
  3. Connect the display.
  4. Connect the power cable.
    Connect the power cable
  5. Press the power button.
    Press the power button
  6. Finish Windows setup.

    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. When setting up, Dell Technologies recommends:

    • Connect to a network for Windows updates.
      NOTE:If connecting to a secured wireless network, enter the password for the wireless network access when prompted.
    • If connected to the internet, sign-in with or create a Microsoft account. If not connected to the internet, create an offline account.
    • On the Support and Protection screen, enter your contact details.
  7. Locate and use Dell apps from the Windows Start menu—Recommended
    Table 1. Locate Dell appsProvides the list of Dell apps on your computer.
    Dell apps Details
    Image: Dell Product Registration

    Dell Product Registration

    Register your computer with Dell.

    Image: Dell Help and Support

    Dell Help & Support

    Access help and support for your computer.

    Image: Support Assist


    SupportAssist is the smart technology that keeps your computer running at its best by optimizing settings, detecting issues, removing viruses and notifies when you must make system updates. SupportAssist proactively checks the health of your system's hardware and software. When an issue is detected, the necessary system state information is sent to Dell to begin troubleshooting. SupportAssist is preinstalled on most of the Dell devices running Windows operating system. For more information, see SupportAssist for Business PCs User's Guide here.

    Image: Dell Update

    Dell Update

    Updates your computer with critical fixes and important device drivers as they become available.

    Image: Dell Digital Delivery

    Dell Digital Delivery

    Download software applications including software that is purchased but not preinstalled on your computer.

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