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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


Fan Sensor Events

The cooling device sensors monitor how well a fan is functioning. These messages provide status warning and failure messages for fans for a particular chassis.

Table 1. Fan Sensor Events
Event Message Severity Cause
<Sensor Name/Location> Fan sensor detected a failure <Reading> where <Sensor Name/ Location> is the entity that this sensor is monitoring. For example "BMC Back Fan" or "BMC Front Fan." Reading is specified in RPM. For example, 100 RPM. Critical The speed of the specified <Sensor Name/Location> fan is not sufficient to provide enough cooling to the system.
<Sensor Name/Location> Fan sensor returned to normal state <Reading>. Information The fan specified by <Sensor Name/ Location> has returned to its normal operating speed.
<Sensor Name/Location> Fan sensor detected a warning <Reading>. Warning The speed of the specified <Sensor Name/Location> fan may not be sufficient to provide enough cooling to the system.
<Sensor Name/Location> Fan Redundancy sensor redundancy degraded. Information The fan specified by <Sensor Name/ Location> may have failed and hence, the redundancy has been degraded.
<Sensor Name/Location> Fan Redundancy sensor redundancy lost. Critical The fan specified by <Sensor Name/ Location> may have failed and hence, the redundancy that was degraded previously has been lost.
<Sensor Name/Location> Fan Redundancy sensor redundancy regained Information The fan specified by <Sensor Name/ Location> may have started functioning again and hence, the redundancy has been regained.
Fan <number> RPM is less than the lower warning threshold. Warning The speed of the specified fan might not provide enough cooling to the system.
Fan <number> RPM is less than the lower critical threshold. Critical The speed of the specified fan is not sufficient to provide enough cooling to the system.
Fan <number> RPM is greater than the upper warning threshold. Warning The speed of the specified fan exceeded the warning threshold.
Fan <number> RPM is greater than the upper critical threshold. Critical The speed of the specified fan exceeded the critical threshold.
Fan <number> RPM is outside of range. Critical The speed of the specified fan might not provide enough cooling to the system.
Fan <number> RPM is within range. Information The speed of the specified fan is operating in a normal range.
Fan <number> is removed. Critical A required fan was removed.
Fan <number> was inserted. Information A fan was added.
Fan <number> is present. Information The total number of fans present.
Fan <number> is absent. Critical A required fan is missing.
The fans are redundant. Information One or more fans may have started functioning or installed and the redundancy has been regained.
Fan redundancy is lost. Critical One or more required fans may have failed or removed and hence, the redundancy was lost.
Fan redundancy is degraded. Warning One or more fans may have failed or removed and hence, the redundancy has been degraded.


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