Do You Have Deep Data Insights Yet?

Modern service providers face an imperative to utilize the petabytes of data collected from their operations to accelerate business growth and improve operational efficiency. Service providers have learned that the value of data is maximized when real-time, streaming and batch analytics are combined to enable advanced use cases and inform important operational and investment decisions about their networks. Likewise, most service providers today have experience with data lakes and have learned the crucial role that advanced data management plays to prevent the data lake from turning into an unwieldy data “swamp”.

Dell Service Provider Analytics (SP Analytics) Ready Architectures help service providers apply actionable insights from network and customer data in order to improve the customer experience, increase operational efficiency, and introduce new revenue-generating services, all in the pursuit of transforming themselves into data-driven businesses. These Ready Architectures help service providers accelerate their digital transformation by making it easier for them to implement advanced use cases on a unified data platform. Dell SP Analytics is designed to scale with a customer’s business needs, allowing the customer to derive value from data analytics today, while preparing for new use cases in the future. Our goal is to help customers build on the known benefits of business intelligence and rules-based automation to derive new benefits from advanced machine learning-enabled automation and eventually achieve fully autonomous operations.

Dell SP Analytics is built on the foundation of the industry’s #1 compute, storage and networking infrastructure portfolio. Our guiding design principles for SP Analytics include:

  • Right time intelligence, combining streaming, near real-time and historical data analytics to allow decisions to be made while data still has value
  • Efficient data management, eliminating data silos, reducing management cost and complexity, and improving efficiency
  • Data democratization, providing access to data via open APIs – allowing developers to write new applications and reap increasing TCO benefits from the underlying platform

The net benefit of SP Analytics is that it allows customers to see their business in completely new light. With greater customer and operational visibility, service providers can begin to take the guesswork out of decisions and become more data-driven. With proven Dell infrastructure that can be deployed in hours rather than weeks, service providers can focus their resources on deriving business insight versus spending precious time implementation and maintenance. And by improving customer intimacy, SP Analytics helps transform the service provider business by allowing customers to guide the way. SP Analytics can make it much easier to delight customers and to unleash business differentiating innovation. In addition, service providers can find new ways to reduce operational expenses along the way.

Dell SP Analytics creates value on top of our Ready Architectures for Hadoop by adding software capabilities from our ISV partners, Cardinality and Zaloni. To learn more, please stay tuned for additional blogs outlining the actual makings of a Ready Architecture and it’s benefits as well as the details of the capabilities of the two new data analytics Ready Architectures.

Dell strives to help service providers become faster to market, focus their precious resources on insights rather than implementation and be secure without compromise by meeting stringent data security and compliance needs without sacrificing business agility. Get in touch with the Dell Service Provider Analytics team to learn more and experience the magic first hand.

About the Author: Kiran Khanna

Kiran has more than 20+ years of experience which is a great mix of ground up technology marketing for startup and big companies, taking cloud SaaS/ PaaS, products and services aimed to enterprise as well as service provider customers. Her technology expertise is in areas of SDN, NFV and Cloud solutions. She has helped bridge the gaps across technology, business and go-to-market for cloud services, datacenter and networking products and IoT/ IoE offerings. Previously, she has held senior positions at Box, Cisco, and Juniper Networks. Kiran holds an MBA in Marketing and BS in Physics.