Global Team Response to Japan Disaster

The on-going reports of devastation in Japan are heartbreaking. The global Dell team is working hard to ensure the safety of our team members in the affected areas and have mobilized quickly to assess the damage and ensure continuity of our business operations in service of our customers.

To aid in the recovery efforts, Dell is contributing $1 million through a corporate donation of $600,000 to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent and $400,000 in employee-matched donations. If you would like to contribute to the Red Cross relief fund, please visit the American Red Cross.

Our local Dell Japan team led by President Jim Merritt has confirmed our technical support is fully functional. Phone support is working as usual and customers can contact Dell for trouble shooting and break/fix requests. The team is prioritizing support for Public and Healthcare customers to ensure critical infrastructure problems are addressed as soon as possible.

Dell fulfillment centers in Narita and Osaka were not damaged, and Dell offices in Mita and Kawasaki also are safe and secure. 

We will continue to stay in close contact and offer help to our customers and the emergency response organizations in the affected areas. Our thoughts remain with our team members, customers and partners impacted by this tragic situation.

About the Author: Trisa Thompson

Trisa Thompson is the Vice President of Corporate Responsibility at Dell, with responsibility for Dell's global giving and sustainability. Previously at Dell, Trisa served as Vice President, Legal, for the Global Operations, Marketing and Product Groups, and was a member of the Legal Team for 12 years. She was the founding co-chair of the Women's Networking Group, W.I.S.E., at Dell, and also serves on the PRIDE Executive Board. She is also a member of the Global Giving and Sustainability Councils. Trisa joined Dell in June 1998 from the Washington, D.C. office of Seyfarth, Shaw. Trisa was a partner with Seyfarth in its Government Procurement Law practice. She specialized in federal, state, and local procurement law and litigation. She joined Seyfarth directly out of law school in 1986.