Goodbye, Axim

First off, sorry for the delay on this. In addition to recent coverage by blogs like Engadget, jkOnTheRun and others, I’ve gotten a few e-mails and a comment from Direct2Dell reader David H. Deans who’ve asked me to confirm whether we’ve discontinued the Axim line or not. The answer is yes, we have.

I’d like to say thanks to all the folks like David and Chris Leckness
for their interest in the products. For the 4 years we were in the
handheld market, we made many friends and had a blast developing and
shipping products to serve different needs.

Update: Just realized that I did not link to
in my original post. It is the site that Chris created and administered
since 2002. He did an awesome job building a community of folks that
were passionate about Axims and Pocket PC devices in general. Thanks
again, man.

Why did we make the decision? Because of a steadily declining market
for pen-based PDAs and noted over the past several quarters by analyst
firms like IDC and Gartner.

Even though we’re not selling them anymore, we still have plans to
support our customers. Dell will provide technical and warranty support
for Axim and Dell-branded Axim peripherals per the terms defined in the
support agreement and limited warranty agreements at the time of

We also to offer batteries, power cables, AC adapters and sync cable
customer kits for the Axim X51/X51v through 2009. All other
Dell-branded Axim X51/X51v peripherals are expected to be available
through mid-2007 or while supplies last.

Thanks again to all our customers who made the Axim line successful for the last few years.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca