IdeaStorm Bi-Weekly Recap 8-8-08

First things first… It’s been just over 3 weeks since my first update. I intended to get back here and keep the flow of information going on a regular basis, but alas, time got away from me. So as I told brokencrystal in his request for a schedule for “Ideas in Action” earlier this week, I will go on the record to say the Ideas in Action updates will now be posted on a bi-weekly basis. I may sneak some in between when we have exciting things to share, but you can at least count on having an update every other Friday, starting today. Now onto the good stuff…

IdeaStorm updates:

First of all, we added a “Top ideas” tab to the front page of IdeaStorm based on the idea to organize ideas by popularity from badblood. This tab will show you the ideas sorted from the highest all time votes to the lowest. As of right now, our >9,650 ideas range in score from 152,150 all the way down to -2,120. Not surprisingly, Pre-Installed Linux is at the top of the list and at the bottom is the losing design from our lightning rod to choose the XPS clear panel concept you like best.

We also just added the functionality to track comments – by idea – via an RSS feed. Check out the RSS icon at the bottom of an idea and let me know what you think.

clip_image002track comments for this idea

Studio Hybrid:

Dell revealed its smallest and greenest PC – the Studio Hybrid – last week on Your Blog. This snazzy little guy also generated some debates and conversations in our own Storm Room. I personally think it is going to be a great addition to my kitchen desk! And I’m happy to say this new system implements at least these three related ideas:


Computers made with bamboo

Produce Good Value "Green" Desktops & Laptops


I don’t have any specific updates on touschreens beyond what I said in my last Ideas in Action post. However, roy_s from our R&D team joined in the IdeaStorm conversation on the idea to Make Touch Screens Optional on all Computers . Check out what he had to stay and definitely stay tuned for more to come on that topic.

Small Business:

IdeaStorm’s very own kara_k has moved on to be our Small Business Community Manager but is still keeping IdeaStorm close to her heart. She has helped to follow through and Partially Implement the ideas for Why are business computers so boring and Vostro Should have XPS options plus Blu Ray. Thanks Kara!


And last for now – but CERTAINLY not least – here’s a few for our Linux fans. Hopefully, you have already seen Daniel’s Direct2Dell post: Dell XPS 1530n and Studio 15n Now Available with Ubuntu 8.04.

This matches at least 4 ideas on IdeaStorm…


Include nvidia and ati video cards in ubuntu laptops and desktops

Dell and Ubuntu

New Ubuntu Laptop With "see below"

Whew – that’s it for now. Time to go and enjoy the Olympics! I’ll be back here on the 22nd, if not before

About the Author: Vida Killian