Stephen O’Grady of Redmonk on the Dell Analyst summit

Last week I attended and presented at Dell’s analyst summit, “Dell Services and Solutions for the Virtual Era.”  Besides sharing Dell’s cloud strategy with analysts I also captured their thoughts on the event.

Here is an interview I did on the first day with Redmonk analyst and founder, Stephen O’Grady.

The questions Stephen addresses:

  • [0:10]  Based on the talks given by Dell execs and customers, what are Stephen’s key take aways?
  • [0:58] As the follow on to the press and analyst event in San Francisco in  March, to what extent has Dell delivered on the promises we made at that time and to what extent might we have fallen short?
  • [1:50] What progress would Stephen hope to see at another event six months from now?
  • [2:30] Bonus question: Dell talks about making the transformation into a solutions company, to what extent is Stephen seeing this happening?

Extra-credit reading:

Pau for now…

About the Author: Barton George