Travel Do’s & Don’ts

As you may be interviewing for internships and traveling to visit your companies of choice I have a few lessons to share from my recent travels.  Hope they save you some travel headaches!

•1)     Never fly through Chicago in the winter

One of the nation's busiest airport + winter weather = canceled flights!  I've recently experienced this first hand which leads me to my next tip…

•2)     Never check your luggage

Pack your stuff in carry on-sized luggage.  If you get stuck or rerouted you will really appreciate have a change of clothes and deodorant with you!

•3)     If you're stuck in an airport claim a power outlet and hold on to it!

Most airports have limited outlets but I'm not above sitting on the floor if I can find an outlet!  You'll usually see a cluster of power cords and cell phone chargers on the floor you know you've hit the outlet jackpot!  The best place to charge your laptop in the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport is a massage chair with a power outlet (of course it's not free!).  Maybe they should call it the "Charge/Recharge Chair?"

•4)     Get chatty!

Use your down time on airplanes and in airports as a way to make connections.  You never know who you might meet.  In the past few months I've met a guy who test drives cars for a living; he loves the autobahn and did the Baja 1,000 in a Volvo!  I also met a guy who does security assessments for government buildings and military bases…important stuff!  I've met some new connections from Microsoft, HP, and Apple too.  I'm a Recruiter and I love to hear about what people do for a living and what excites them about their jobs.  Even if you don't make a potential new contact at the very least it's a great way to be entertained!

I wish you safe travels!

About the Author: Kristin Huber