Weekly Recap: Dell in the News – April 20th edition

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Welcome to the latest edition of the Weekly Recap, your guide to the week's Dell-related news and happenings. 

Story of the Week

Michael Dell On Dell's Present And Future Success Forbes – April 16, 2012
I had a chance to do a quick interview with Michael Dell last week and thought it would be interesting to capture his thoughts on what is going on at the company in anticipation of the analyst meeting later this month. I’m going to use some editorial license on his responses. To fill the gaps I’ve taken the extra steps to have Dell approve this as accurate. The questions cover the changes at the company Michael Dell is driving, his view of Tablets and Smartphones, Acquisitions, and what to expect at the coming Dell analyst meeting.

Other Dell News

Managing Distraction: How and Why to Ignore Your Inbox Forbes – April 19, 2012
The problem confronts you each morning, like a squalling baby that must be fed NOW. It’s your email inbox, loaded with capital letters and exclamation marks and missives marked “URGENT.” Unlike with that baby, however, you’ll need to ignore even some of the most hysterically worded if you want to stay gainfully employed.

Turn Big Data into Little Data With De-Duplication Forbes – April 18, 2012
Companies both large and small are struggling to keep up with the amount of data they’re generating and storing. IT managers are searching for ways to rein in so-called “big data” before it swamps data centers and causes IT budgets to skyrocket. But here’s the funny thing: did you know that 75 percent of all that data is most likely a copy of something else?

Dell appoints new CDM director CRN – April 18, 2012
Dell is aiming to get even closer to its partners with the appointment of Mark Hiley as director of its channel development manager (CDM) team.

5 Upcoming ARM-Based Windows RT Tablets That May Pose The Biggest Threat To iPad Mini And Samsung Releases IBTimes.com – April 18, 2012
Lately, CEO Michael Dell confirmed that they were building a tablet for Microsoft's new Windows 8 software.  "Having a secure Windows tablet that works with all the Windows applications – we are hearing a lot of demand for that and we think that will be quite attractive," Dell told Bloomberg television in their report.

Go digital with health records to boost care American Statesman – April 17, 2012
As America awaits the Supreme Court's ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, it is also clear that most countries around the globe are facing issues with their health care systems.

The (Re)birth of the Next Big Cloud Provider Wired – April 17, 2012
In the last year we have unknowingly been watching Dell, a hardware vendor, transform itself into what could be the next big cloud provider — one that could rival and achieve what Google and Microsoft will have trouble achieving.

Alienware X51 vs Xbox 360: Which should I buy? CNet – April 16, 2012
Alienware's new game-munching mini-desktop the X51 has proven itself to be an extremely capable machine, happily chewing through the latest, most demanding games with reckless abandon in my full review. If you already own a games console like an Xbox 360 though, what exactly does the X51 offer to tempt you to splash your cash?

Owned, Managed, Or Cloud? Choosing A Security Strategy Dark Reading – April 16, 2012
Cloud saves money, managed provides expertise, and do-it-yourself security offers more control. The choice depends on priorities and financial realities.

Dell beefs upOpenStack offering with enStratus ZDNet – April 16, 2012
Dell has partnered with enStratus, Canonical and Mirantis to bulk out the enterprise services available for its OpenStack-based private cloud. 

Seven Questions for Steve Felice, Chief Commercial Officer of Dell All Things D – April 16, 2012
Dell feels like the company that people used to fear but don’t anymore. There was a time, in the late 1990s and the early part of the last decade, when its competitors feared “the Dell effect”: The relentless driving down of selling prices on PCs and servers that made it difficult to compete.

Dell launches sales, service centre in Pakistan The News – April 14, 2012
After years of problems faced by the computer and laptop users, Dell has finally launched its first official sales and service centre in Pakistan, a statement said on Friday.

Dell's M&A strategy has helped to diversify firm Market Watch – April 13, 2012
The three acquisitions announced last week by Dell Inc. continued a five-year buying spree designed to diversify the company beyond its traditional computer business through several small purchases.

Wrangling Big Data to Fight Pediatric Cancer Datanami – April 13, 2012
High-performance computing and the cloud are enabling vast improvement in scientists’ ability to simulate and analyze data, and genetic sequencing and research are accessible to more scientists, researchers and medical professionals than ever before.

Dell Press Releases

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Industry Quotes & Insight

“It's not so much acquisition as strategy…It's growing the [acquired] company to a scale where it can fight for itself… It's about assigning the right leadership to pair up with the acquired CEO to have two in the box: one who can leverage Dell and one to manage their business.” – Dave Johnson, senior vice president, corporate strategy, Dell

“Don’t make the mistake of thinking that de-duplication is only an enterprise-class solution. Businesses of all sizes can reap the benefits of optimizing storage to manage their own data overload and deal with their shrinking IT budgets.” – Brett Roscoe, general manager and executive director of PowerVault and data management solutions for Dell Storage

“I imagine my peers will be surprised that Dell has grown up to become a very different company than they remember and this is actually a good thing. Dell’s future is bright largely due to the power of a founder who can think strategically…. In the current environment that is a unique and powerful advantage.” – Rob Enderle, principal analyst, Enderle Group

“If you think about a gap between what security is asked to do and what they are staffed to do, [MSSPs] can come in and fill that gap in a cost-effective manner and what is left, the resources can be applied to things that are better handled internally.”- Mark Wood, product manager of cloud security for Dell Secureworks

“There is a pretty common theme that there is more opportunity to get more out of assets. There is more optimism around moving away from legacy architectures and into open systems. The whole concept of being more “open to open” is there. We view that as good, because we’re the pure play when it comes to moving to open architectures.” – Steve Felice, chief commercial officer, Dell

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About the Author: Chris Byrd