Why Cloud and Automation Can Take Your Business Global

Transforming into a global supply chain solutions company

For years, Owens & Minor, the nation’s leading distributor of name-brand medical supplies, has been committed to delivering vital medical and surgical products such as bandages, syringes and IV fluids to healthcare provider customers as fast as possible.

“Through a network of more than 40 domestic distribution centers and a large delivery fleet, we bring together thousands of manufacturers of medical supplies, so a hospital or healthcare provider can place an order in the morning and receive the product the same day,” says Rick Mears, CIO and senior vice president, Owens & Minor.

As the healthcare market began evolving and competition intensified, Owens & Minor knew it needed to rethink its IT strategy to enable a global expansion and help them move from being a wholesale distributor to adding more value by going deeper into hospitals, connecting the world of medical products to the point of care.

The company also needed help with data analytics and ensuring the security of customer data. All of its technology and customer data needed to be protected, but they could not do it alone. To successfully transform its business, the company knew it needed assistance in developing a new IT strategy that would enable it to enter new markets and deliver new services to its customers.

Choosing Dell Services for managed IT services

Together, Dell and Owens & Minor created the flexible architecture necessary to support these rapidly evolving business needs. Owens & Minor is now equipped to move from being a transportation and warehouse organization to a global supplier.

To enable on-demand capabilities and same-day order fulfillment, the company moved critical systems to a Dell dedicated private cloud and integrated inventory systems with existing distribution center solutions.

Transforming its business and creating new opportunities

With help from Dell’s dedicated cloud platform, Owens & Minor has transformed its business model and can now offer any medical product to any point of care. Owens & Minor has also been able to create new business opportunities via two new offerings. The first helps hospitals stock medical products on-site. The second offering is an initiative through which Owens & Minor assembles and delivers custom procedure kits based on a specific surgeon’s needs.

Helping healthcare providers enable better outcomes

Through its business transformation, Owens & Minor will ultimately be able to help its customers improve patient outcomes. “Operational excellence is becoming very important in healthcare,” Mears says. “Because our technology helps us deliver the right products to the right place at the right time, we can extend that operational excellence to our customers, which enhances the quality of care and, by extension, leads to better patient outcomes.”

Find out more about how Dell helped Owens & Minor succeed in today’s competitive environment. Ready your business for the future. Dell Services provides the right IT expertise and solutions to ensure business agility and growth by helping you modernize and transform your organization. Be future-ready with Dell Services.

About the Author: Sid Nair