If you don’t know who I’m talking about when I say “Miss P,” then I will assume you are not a dog lover like myself. This past week, the four year old beagle took the crown for “Best in Show” at the 2015 Westminster Kennel Club Show. Head judge, David Merriam, identified her as the champion of the night in a best-of-seven final ring full of favorites.
Winning the title of “America’s Dog” is no small feat; there are multiple rounds of preliminary judging that each dog must go through to be considered. The dogs first compete within their breed to earn the title “Best of Breed.” Winners at this level advance into its respective group, of which there are seven (Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, and Herding). Group winners advance to compete for the most prestigious award of the night; Best in Show.
Personally, when I hear the phrase “best of breed” I think of the EMC Data Protection Suite. While backup and archive software solutions may not be your first thought, let me explain why it is mine. EMC leads the pack in providing a simple, flexible, all-in-one package that enables companies to optimize and enhance data protection. When I say all-in-one, I mean ALL of EMC’s best-of-breed software solutions are included in this easy to purchase, manage, and deploy package. You could call the Data Protection Suite “Best in Show” of data protection software in the industry.
Let’s see why all of these best of breed features make Data Protection Suite Best in Show.
EMC Backup Solutions: A member of the Herding group, the Border Collie has been recognized as the most intelligent of all dog breeds for many years. Equally as intelligent and reliable are Avamar, NetWorker, and DD Boost for Enterprise Applications. With these products comes record-breaking performance, fast, daily full backups, and a single step restore. Like the Border Collie, EMC backup solutions are agile, dependable, and able to herd and protect your data in the fastest, most efficient way possible.
EMC Archive Solutions: German Shepherds are to dog breeds, as SourceOne is to archiving; both emit a great sense of confidence in security and protection. Specifically, SourceOne optimizes archiving through risk management, reduced operational costs, and simplified eDiscovery and compliance. German Shepherds are loyal, strong, and they protect with the same vigor as SourceOne archives.
Cloud Options: One of the most intelligent and trainable of all dog breeds is the Poodle. Its air of distinction matches the distinct features of MozyEnterprise and Syncplicity, EMC’s cloud options for data protection. MozyEnterprise provides secure cloud backup, access, and sync for desktop, laptop, mobile, and servers. The Syncplicity option delivers customers a secure sync, share, collaboration, and real-time document protection. (Call me predictable, but anything that has to do with clouds deserves a white, fluffy dog to represent it).
Management, Analysis and Reporting Tool: The Shetland Sheepdog is identified as an easily trained, herding dog. Similar to the Sheltie, Data Protection Advisor is a management expert. With its ability to unify and automate monitoring, analysis, and reporting across backup and recovery environments, Data Protection Advisor is an IT department’s best friend. Reducing complexity and eliminating manual efforts are commonalities of these two unlikely counterparts.
With all of these best of breed features and qualities in one package, EMC delivers industry-leading data protection software. The Data Protection Suite is your all-in-one IT survival kit; your undisputed “Best in Show.”