• UnityVSA

      File Type: *.ova
      File Size: 2.6 GB
      Release Date: 05/05/2023
      SHA-256 Checksum: c16b59914b1d21c1388e8692c6afaa32ba6e146e9318be540a48a62ccae58549

      UnityVSA virtual machine requirements

      2-core single-SP deployment requirements:

      • Virtual memory: 12GB
      • Virtual processor cores: 2 (2GHz+)
      • Virtual network adapters: 6 (4 adaptors for I/O, 1 for management, 1 for system use)
      • Community and Professional Edition licenses

      2-core Dual-SP deployment requirements:

      • Virtual Memory per SP: 12GB
      • Virtual processor cores per SP: 2 (2Ghz+)
      • Virtual network adapters: 9 (4 adaptors for I/O, 1 for management, 1 for system use, 3 for internal communication)
      • VLANs: 3 (used for heartbeat and internal communication)
      • Professional Edition license only

      12-core Dual-SP deployment requirements:

      • Virtual Memory per SP: 96GB 
      • Virtual processor cores per SP: 12 (2Ghz+)
      • Virtual network adapters: 9 (4 adaptors for I/O, 1 for management, 1 for system use, 3 for internal communication)
      • VLANs: 3 (used for heartbeat and internal communication)
      • Professional Edition license only

      UnityVSA Infrastructure requirements:

      • Hypervisor: VMware ESXi 6.5+ with each UnityVSA VM on a separate ESXi host
      • Dual-SP deployment requires vCenter 6.5+
      • Hardware Memory for 2-core deployment: 36GB per ESXi host
      • Hardware Memory for 12-core deployment: 120GB per ESXi host
      • Hardware network: 3 x 10GbE
      • Hardware RAID: 512MB NV cache RAID card, battery backed recommended
      • VMware datastores: NFS and VMFS supported
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