• Talent Pipeline

    Empowering the next generation

    • Our Global Diversity and Inclusion team works tirelessly to find the best diverse talent in the world. We partner with top universities including Northeastern University, which offers two programs that bring opportunities to STEM talent. We also source talent through Management Leadership for Tomorrow, an organization that develops the next generation of diverse leaders.


      Align Program

      Dell has joined Northeastern University’s Align program. Align provides a direct path to a Master’s in Computer Science for non-computer science majors and people without programming experience. The Align Master’s degree equips students from a wide variety of backgrounds with both the knowledge and practical skills they need to successfully transition to a career in high-tech. Through our partnership with Northeastern, our goal is to attract and build a diverse talent pool.


      S-POWER Scholarship Program

      Northeastern University launched the Student Pathways Opening World Energy Resources (S-POWER) Scholarship Program to revolutionize the education of transfer students at colleges and universities. S-POWER pays close attention to those who need financial assistance, under-represented minorities, women, and first-generation students. We provide advice and mentorship to the recipients of this scholarship, the Dell S-POWER Scholars, to ensure they are successfully employed.


      National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)

      NACME champions diversity in STEM by empowering and supporting under-represented minorities to pursue careers in engineering and computer science. Dell collaborates on NACME's Silicon Valley Symposium to find business opportunities and talent, expand thought leadership and support those students pursuing degrees in engineering schools.


      Management Leader for Tomorrow (MLT)

      MLT’s program works with diverse students who are undergraduates or have their MBAs to prepare them for the workforce. They offer services such as training, career coaching, job search assistance and networking. When students leave this program, they have the leadership skills that organizations require.

    • Partnership and events

      Dell Technologies promotes a strong culture of diversity and inclusion and supports the advancement of individuals of colour.