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Dell Wyse Enhanced Windows Embedded Standard 7P forWyse 5060 Thin Client Administrator’s Guide


Power State

You can change the power state options of the thin client device by following the steps mentioned here:
  1. On the taskbar, click the Start button.
  2. From the Start menu, point to the arrow next to the log off button, and then click any one of the following:
    • Restart— To restart your thin clientOptiplex client.
    • Sleep— This mode enables the power-saving state and allows the thin clientOptiplex client to quickly resume full power operations when you want to start working again.

    • Shut down– Preferred for orderly closing of the operating system.

  3. You can also log off the thin clientOptiplex client by any of the following ways:
    • From the Start menu, click log off if you want to log off your thin clientOptiplex client.
    • Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and then click log off.

    • Press ALT+F4 to log off from the session.

    NOTE:If automatic logon is enabled, the thin clientOptiplex client will immediately logs on to the default user desktop. We recommend you use Shut down button to turn off your thin clientOptiplex client.

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