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Dell Wyse Enhanced Windows Embedded Standard 7P forWyse 5060 Thin Client Administrator’s Guide


Saving Files and Using Local Drives

Administrators need to know the following information about local drives and saving files.

Saving Files

Thin clientsOptiplex clients use an embedded operating system with a fixed amount of flash memory. It is recommended that you save files you want to keep on a server rather than on a thin clientOptiplex client.

CAUTION:Be careful of application settings that write to the C drive, which resides in flash memory in particular, those applications which by default write cache files to the C drive on the local system. If you must write to a local drive, change the application settings to use the Z drive. The default configuration settings mentioned in Managing Users and Groups with User Accounts minimize writing to the C drive for factory-installed applications.

Drive Z

Drive Z is the on-board volatile memory (Dell Wyse RAMDisk) of the thin clientOptiplex client. It is recommended that you do not use this drive to save data that you want to retain.

For RAM Disk configuration information, see Dell Wyse RAM Disk.

For information about using the Z drive with Roaming profiles, see Participating in Domains.

Drive C and Flash

Drive C is the on-board non-volatile flash memory. It is recommended that you avoid writing to drive C. Writing to drive C reduces the free disk space. If the free disk space on C drive is reduced to 90 percent of the total disk space, then thin clientOptiplex client will become unstable.

NOTE:We highly recommend that 3 MB of disk space is left unused. If the free disk space is reduced to 2 MB, the thin clientOptiplex client image will be irreparably damaged and it will be necessary for you to contact an authorized service center to repair the thin clientOptiplex client.
The File Based Write Filter (if enabled) displays an error message if the cache is overwritten. However, if this message occurs you will be unable to flush files of the File Based Write Filter cache and any thin clientOptiplex client configuration changes still in cache will be lost. Cache is disabled when FBWF is turned off. Items that are written to the File Based Write Filter cache or directly to the flash if the File Based Write Filter is disabled during normal operations including:
  • Favorites

  • Created connections

  • Delete/edit connections

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