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Dell Wyse Enhanced Windows Embedded Standard 7P forWyse 5060 Thin Client Administrator’s Guide


Using the WinPing Diagnostic Utility

WinPing is used to start the Windows Packet Internet Groper (PING) diagnostic utility and view the result of echo request sent to a network host.

To open the Dell Wyse WinPing dialog box:

WinPing is a diagnostic tool that sends an echo request to a network host. The host parameter is either a valid host name or an IP address. If the host is operational and on the network, it responds to the echo request. The default is to send three echo requests and then stop if no response is detected. WinPing sends one echo request per second, calculates round-trip times and packet loss statistics, and displays a brief summary upon completion.

  1. Click Start > Run.
  2. Enter the WinPing in the Open box, and then click OK
    The Dell Wyse WinPing dialog box is displayed.
    1. Enter a valid IP address in the IP address box.
    2. In the Retries box, type or select the number of echo requests you want to send out to the network lost.
    3. Click Ping.
      WinPing sends one echo request per second, calculates round-trip times and packet loss statistics, and displays a brief summary under the Status section on the dialog box upon completion.

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