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Dell Wyse Enhanced Windows Embedded Standard 7P forWyse 5060 Thin Client Administrator’s Guide


Enabling and Disabling the File Based Write Filter Using the Desktops Icons

For convenience, use the File Based Write Filter enable and disable icons present on the administrator desktop.
  • File Based Write Filter Enable Icon (Green)— Double-clicking this icon enables the File Based Writer Filter. This Utility is similar to running the fdwfmgr /enable the command line option as described in Running File Based Write Filter Command Line Options. Also, double-clicking this icon immediately restarts the system and enables the File Based write Filter. The File Based Write Filter status icon in the system tray is green when the File Based Write Filter is enabled.
  • File Based Write Filter Disable Icon (Red)— Double-clicking this icon allows you to disable the File Based Write Filter. This utility is similar to running the fbwfmgr / disable command line option as described in Running File Based Write Filter Command Line Options. However, double-clicking this icon immediately restarts the system and disables the File Based Write Filter. The File Based Write Filter remains disabled and can only be enabled using the File Based Write Filter Enable icon or through the command line as described in Running File Based Write Filter Command Line Options. The File Based Write Filter status icon in the system tray remains red while the File Based Write Filter is disabled.

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