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Dell Wyse Enhanced Windows Embedded Standard 7P forWyse 5060 Thin Client Administrator’s Guide


Running File Based Write Filter Command–Line Options

There are several command lines you can use to control the File Based Write Filter. Command–line arguments cannot be combined.

Use the following guidelines for the command–line option for the File Based Write Filter. You can also use the commands if you open Command Prompt window by entering command in the Run box:
  • fbwfmgr

    With no arguments — Displays the File Based Write Filter configuration for the current session and the next.

  • fbwfmgr /enable

    Enables the File Based Write Filter after the next system restart. The File Based Write Filter status icon is green when the File Based Write Filter is enabled.

  • fbwfmgr /disable

    Disables the File Based Write Filter after the next system restart. The File Based Write Filter status icon remains red while disabled.

  • fbwfmgr /commit C: <file_path>

    Commits the changes made to the file to the underlying media. Note that there is a single space between volume name and file_path. The file path must be an absolute path starting with \.

    For example, to commit a file C:\Program Files\temp.txt the command would be fbwfmgr /commit C: \Program Files\temp.txt.

  • fbwfmgr /restore C: <file_path>

    Discards the changes made to the file, that is, it restores the file to its original contents from the underlying media. The file path must be an absolute path starting with \. If the file was deleted, it will be recovered.

  • fbwfmgr /addexclusion C: <file_or_dir_path>

    Adds the file or the directory to the exclusion list of the volume. That is, the file or directory is removed from the protection of the File Based Write Filter. The exclusion will take effect after the next system reboot. The file or directory path must be an absolute path starting with \.

  • fbwfmgr /removeexclusion C: <file_or_dir_path>

    Removes the file or the directory from the exclusion list of the volume. That is, the file or directory is included within the protection of the File Based Write Filter. The removal of the exclusion will take effect after the next system reboot. The file or directory path must be an absolute path starting with \.

  • fbwfmgr /overlaydetail

    Displays the list of files and directories that are modified, along with the size of memory used by the File Based Write Filter to cache the modified data of the file or directory and the number of open handles to it.

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