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Dell Wyse Enhanced Windows Embedded Standard 7P forWyse 5060 Thin Client Administrator’s Guide


Setting the File Based Write Filter Controls

Use the File Based Write Filter Control dialog box to view and manage your control settings

To view and manage File Based Write Filter control settings, use the File Based Write Filter Control dialog box.
  1. To open the dialog box, double-click the FBWF icon in the notification area of the administrator taskbar.
    The File Based Write Filter dialog box is displayed.
  2. Use the following guidelines setup the Write Filter Controls.
    1. FBWF Status area includes:
      • Current Status — Shows the status (Enabled or Disabled) of the File Based Write Filter.

      • Boot Command — Shows the status of the Boot Command. FBWF_ENABLE means that the FBWF is enabled for the next session; and FBWF_DISABLE means that the FBWF is disabled for the next session.

      • RAM used by FBWF — Shows the amount of RAM used (in Kilobytes and Percentage) that is being used by the File Based Write Filter. If Current Status is Disabled, RAM Used by FBWF is always zero (0).

      • Amount of RAM used for FBWF Cache — Shows (in MB) the amount of RAM (in MB) that is used as File Based Write Filter cache for the current session.

      • Cache Setting — Shows the cache setting for the current session.

      • Warning #1 ( percent) — Shows the FBWF cache percentage value at which a Low Memory warning message is displayed to the user for the current session.

      • Warning #2 ( percent) — Shows the FBWF cache percentage value at which a Critical Memory warning message is displayed to the user, along with another message display counting down the number of seconds before automatic rebooting will occur for the current session.

      • Reboot Time Delay (in seconds) — Shows the number of seconds that will lapse before system reboot in the Warning #2 ( percent) case of cache overflow for the current session.

    2. FBWF Cache Settings area includes:
      • Amount of RAM to be used for FBWF Cache — Shows (in MB) the amount of RAM (in MB) that is to be used as File Based Write Filter cache for the next session. This value should be in the range of 16 MB to 1024 MB. There is an additional check that this value should not exceed 1/3 of Total Available RAM.

      • Advanced Cache Settings area includes options to allow you to improve the effectiveness of cache memory (Cache Compression, Cache Preallocation, or None).

    3. FBWF Warning Settings area includes:
      • Warning #1 (%) — Shows the FBWF cache percentage value at which a Low Memory warning message is displayed to the user; Default value = 85, Minimum value = 50, Maximum value = 90.

      • Warning #2 (%) — Shows the FBWF cache percentage value at which a Critical Memory warning message is displayed to the user, along with another message display counting down the number of seconds before automatic rebooting occur; Default value = 90, Minimum value = 55, Maximum value = 95.

      • Reboot Time Delay (in seconds) — Shows the number of seconds that will lapse before system reboot in the Warning #2 (%) case of cache overflow.

    4. Enable FBWF — Allows you to enable the File Based Write Filter and prompts you to restart the thin clientOptiplex client. If you do not restart the thin clientOptiplex client, the changes made will not be saved until the thin clientOptiplex client is restarted. After the system restarts to enable the File Based Write Filter, the File Based Write Filter status icon in the desktop system tray turns green.
    5. Disable FBWF — Allows you to disable the File Based Write Filter and prompt you to restart the thin clientOptiplex client. If you do not restart the thin clientOptiplex client, the changes made will not be saved until the thin clientOptiplex client is restarted. After disabling the File Based Write Filter, the File Based Write Filter status icon in the desktop system tray turns red and the File Based Write Filter remains disabled after the system restarts.
    6. Defaults — Allows you to reset the FBWF Cache Settings area, Advanced Cache Settings area, and the FBWF Warning Settings area to their default values.
    7. File Commit area includes:
      • File Path — Allows you to add, remove and commit files to the underlying media, delete a file path from the list if the file is not to be committed. The system will not restart the thin clientOptiplex client. The changes are committed immediately.

    8. Current Session Exclusion List area includes:

      File/Directory Path — Allows you to add and remove a file or directory to or from the exclusion list for the next session retrieves the list of files or directories that are write through in the current session; the title of the pane is shown as Current Session Exclusion List or the Next Session retrieves the list of files or directories that are write through for the next session; the title of the pane is shown as Next Session Exclusion List. The system will not restart the thin clientOptiplex client and the changes are not committed until an administrator restarts the thin clientOptiplex client manually.

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