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Dell Wyse Enhanced Windows Embedded Standard 7P forWyse 5060 Thin Client Administrator’s Guide


Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

This appendix contains the DHCP options you can use with your thin clientOptiplex client. A thin clientOptiplex client is initially configured to obtain its IP address and network configurations from a DHCP server, new thin clientOptiplex client or a thin clientOptiplex client reset to default configurations. A DHCP server can also provide the IP address or DNS name of the file server and the root-path location of software in Microsoft .msi form for access through the DHCP upgrade process. Using DHCP to configure and upgrade thin clientOptiplex client is recommended and saves you the time and effort needed to complete these processes locally on multiple thin clientOptiplex client, if a DHCP server is not available, fixed IP addresses can be assigned and must be entered locally for each device.

For more information on configuring a DHCP server see documentation on the Microsoft web site at

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