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Dell EMC PowerEdge RAID Controller S130 User’s Guide

WARNING- Found virtual disks that are degraded

This warning message is displayed when at least one virtual disk is in a Degraded state and Pause if Degraded is set to ON at the BIOS Configuration Utility Ctrl+R.

The following message is displayed after the warning is displayed: --- Press Enter to continue, or Ctrl+R to enter setup ---.

Press Enter to allow the operating system to continue with the boot sequence, or press Ctrl+R to enter into the BIOS Configuration Utility Ctrl+R to investigate the cause of the Degraded virtual disk.

To investigate the cause, check for the following:
  • Whether a physical disk in the virtual disk has failed or has gone offline. Check the status at the Physical Disks field. A Degraded status depends on the RAID level of the virtual disk and the number of physical disks that have failed:

    –For a virtual disk at RAID 1 or RAID 5, a single physical disk failure causes a Degraded status.

    –For a virtual disk at RAID 10, the failure of a physical disk in each of the mirror sets creates a Degraded status for the RAID 10. The failure of two physical disks in the same mirror set creates a Failed status for the RAID 10.

  • Whether the controller has failed due to a firmware failure or a component failure. A failed controller causes a virtual disk not to boot.

For the virtual disk to recover from Degraded status, the failed physical disk must be replaced and the virtual disk must be rebuilt using OpenManage Server Administrator Storage Management. When the rebuild operation is completed, the virtual disk status changes from Degraded to Ready. For a description of the rebuild function, see Storage Management at

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