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Dell EMC PowerEdge RAID Controller S130 User’s Guide

Downloading drivers from the Dell Systems Service and Diagnostic Tools media for Windows

  1. Insert the Dell Systems Service and Diagnostics Tools media in a system.
    The Welcome to Dell Service and Diagnostic Utilities screen is displayed.
  2. Select your system model and operating system.
    For the list of supported operating systems, see Supported operating systems.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. From the list of drivers displayed, select the driver you require.
  5. Select the self-extracting zip file and click Run.
  6. Copy the driver to a CD, DVD, or USB drive.
    Repeat this step for all the drivers you require.
  7. During the operating system installation, use the media that you created with the Load Driver option to load mass storage drivers.
    For more information on reinstalling the operating system, see the relevant section for your operating system.

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