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Dell EMC PowerEdge RAID Controller S130 User’s Guide

WARNING - Found virtual disks that are failed

This warning message is displayed when at least one virtual disk is in a Failed state and Pause if Failed is set to ON at the BIOS Configuration Utility (<Ctrl><R>).

The following message is displayed after the warning is displayed: --- Press <Enter> to continue, or <Ctrl><R> to enter setup --- .

Press <Enter> to allow the operating system to continue its boot, or press <Ctrl><R> to enter into the BIOS Configuration Utility (<Ctrl><R>) to investigate the cause of the Failed virtual disk.

NOTE: A boot virtual disk that is in a Failed state prevents the operating system from booting.
To investigate the cause, check for the following:
  • Determine if a single or multiple physical disks in a non-redundant virtual disk have failed. If yes, data is lost. Recover the lost data from a backup storage source.

  • Determine if two or more physical disks in a redundant virtual disk have failed. If yes, data is lost. Recover the lost data from a backup storage source.

NOTE: For a RAID 10 configuration, if a single physical disk fails in each mirrored set, the redundant virtual disk goes to a Degraded status but data is not lost. If two physical disks fail in one of the mirrored sets, the redundant virtual disk goes to a Failed status and data is lost.

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