New Mexico Governor and Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Richardson visited Dell today to speak with employees and executives at the Round Rock campus. The event was Dell’s first presidential “town hall” forum and also marked the second time a presidential candidate has visited Dell. Last month, former U.S. Senator and Republican Presidential candidate Fred Thompson toured the Topfer Manufacturing Center. Both visits are part of a unique series of events Dell will host throughout the coming year for team members to hear from the major candidates for President and share what’s on their minds.
Governor Richardson arrived this afternoon and was greeted by Eddie Dixon, vice president of Dell Legal who introduced the Governor and also served as moderator of the town hall discussion. Nearly 400 employees attended the candid and open dialogue about a wide variety of issues including global innovation, the war in Iraq, social security, health care, immigration and yes, even the alleged alien landing at Roswell.
Following the discussion, the Governor attended a briefing led by Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Steve Schuckenbrock. Dell board member Tom Luce, Vice President for Strategy Tim Mattox, Vice President for Facilities Kip Thompson, Dell Financial Services Head Don Berman and Legal Vice President Eddie Dixon participated in the policy discussion which covered Dell’s leadership in areas such as energy efficiency, the environment, education and the importance of global competitiveness.
Governor Richardson listened to the many thoughts and ideas of Dell’s leaders and remarked that because of innovative companies like Dell, America can be proud. Once the briefing was completed, Governor Richardson moved outside and fielded a number of questions from local and national media before departing. All in all, the day was a great opportunity for the Dell community to take an active part in the political process.
StudioDell was on hand to help capture the Governor’s Town Hall remarks on video. We’re including Governor Richardson’s introductory remarks in the vlog below today and will add in the Q&A Monday.
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