Dell Services is all about providing customers with everything they need to Transform, Connect, Inform and Protect their enterprise. In my last post, I discussed how we help our customers Transform their technology environments to achieve their business goals. Here, I’ll explain what we mean by helping customers Connect and why connection – anytime, anywhere – is crucial to our customers’ business’s success.
What do we mean when we use the term “Connect”?
Today, people do their work on multiple devices – laptop, tablet and smartphone. They want and need immediate access to their colleagues, customers and all types of information, no matter where they are or what they’re doing – whether that’s eating lunch in a restaurant, working out at the gym, or waiting to board a plane.
Dell Services offers enterprises a deep understanding of how exactly connection works on a technical level, and leverages that expertise to make seamless connections to information and people. Ultimately, seamless and trouble-free connectivity makes everyone more productive – a good thing for any company’s bottom line.
Let me share with you a few examples that illustrate how smart connection has achieved results.
When Hurricane Sandy battered the East Coast of the United States, it literally swamped EmblemHealth, a health insurance and wellness company headquartered in downtown New York City. The customer’s building was uninhabitable, its PCs were destroyed, and 1,900 employees were displaced. At a time when their work was especially crucial, it came to a grinding halt. Dell Services stepped in with a teleworking solution—something Emblem Health had not yet made available to its employees—to maintain business continuity and re-establish productivity and employee morale. In less than two weeks, Dell Services provided 900 Latitude notebooks, reconnected 700 employees, and added servers to avoid network overload.
The result: hundreds of employees quickly got back to work. Value and productivity were actually gained in the process—so much so that the company decided to implement the solution throughout the entire company. According to the Chief Financial Officer of EmblemHealth, Arthur Byrd, “We’re expanding teleworking companywide, given how Dell’s mobility solution helped our displaced employees quickly become productive again.”
Then there’s the story of another one of our customers, The University of Maryland University College (UMUC), an accredited online university that serves nearly 100,000 students around the world, including remote regions like the Marshall Islands. The university was faced with creating and maintaining a reliable IT infrastructure that supported their online courses and reached their global community – with the added pressure of the rapidly approaching obsolescence of Windows XP on UMUC faculty and employees desktops. Dell Services acted fast. In just 13 weeks and with minimal downtime, we created new Windows 7 desktop images and deployed them on 800 new Dell desktops, laptops and ultrabooks, as well as 300 existing PCs.
According to a senior IT staff member at UMUC, post-implementation, “the number of help-desk requests has fallen, and the volume of calls related to hardware failures has dropped significantly with our new Dell systems and standardized Windows 7 images.”
Time and again, Dell Services makes connections happen, whether it’s enabling mobility or bring-your-own-device consulting, developing apps, desktop virtualization, or migrating operating systems.
Next, I will be discussing how Dell Services helps customers Inform their strategies by leveraging data and Protect their data and intellectual property.