Dell PowerProtect DD Series Appliances and DDOS 7.4

Learn what is new with PowerProtect DD series appliances and DDOS 7.4.

Expanded Data Protection Capacity Options

These past few months have been busy at Dell Technologies for our data protection division. In November we announced the DP series of our PowerProtect appliances, the next generation of the Dell Integrated Data Protection Appliance.

Today, we are happy to announce the next rev of DDOS for our PowerProtect appliances, DDOS 7.4. DDOS 7.4 is packed with enhancements ranging from our physical appliances to our virtual appliance, PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition (DDVE). Not only did we make updates to our products, but we are offering a new way to consume them with Dell Technologies on Demand.

PowerProtect DD6900

In our last release we lowered the entry level capacity point of the DD6900 to 24TB usable, down from the original 48TB. In this release we are allowing for grow in place capacity expansions in 12TB increments, making the DD series more affordable when it’s time for growth.

PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition and Cloud Tier

This year we announced the availability of DDVE at 256TB for AWS and Google Cloud. With DDOS 7.4, we will be shipping DDVE for Azure at 256TB, completing our support of the three major cloud providers. DDVE will also support premium BLOB storage in Azure at the 96TB capacity point. Learn more about DDVE in our overview video.

On the topic of Cloud, Dell Cloud Tier with DDOS 7.4 has expanded AWS region support for China, Canada and the EMEA.

Dell Technologies on Demand and PowerProtect Appliances

We are happy to announce that both the DD and DP series appliances will be available to purchase via the Dell Technologies on Demand program. PowerProtect appliances provide workload consolidation, a reduced storage footprint and increased performance to deliver a low total cost-to-protect. You can leverage Dell Technologies On Demand for payment solutions that span traditional financing, flexible consumption and as-a-Service options. We recently launched the Payment Flexibility Program with low rates, payment deferrals, and short term options.

If you want to learn more about the Dell Data Protection Portfolio check out the on-demand content from the recent Dell Technologies World presented this past October. If you have any questions about this release, make sure to follow up with your account rep to learn more. If you would like to learn more about PowerProtect DD Series Appliances check us out online. Make sure to follow us on Twitter for up to date information on the Dell Technologies Data Protection Portfolio.

About the Author: David Tye

David is a California native, born and raised in the Bay Area with a passion for technology. Upon graduating from a local university, David was hired on to the Dell Technologies Marketing team full-time. Over the past few years, David’s focus has been on a variety of data protection products and services. Outside of work, David enjoys spending time in the outdoors and watching sports.