Graduate Program Participant Learns How a Company Becomes the Best

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Challenging. That’s how I’d summarize my first year after the Dell EMEA Graduate Program. I’d add to this first word these two as well though: innovation and diversity. I remember like it was yesterday what my dreams were on the last training that took place in Frankfurt: achieve my goals, learn something new every single day and create projects from scratch.

Newspaper business section Photo by G. Crescoli on Unsplash

During this year, I’ve learned awesome things as an account manager, like how to manage with different people in many different situations, and I’ve had the chance to find out about the different products we have. We, at Dell, are the number one in many things: servers, storage or virtualization solutions… but I’ve always thought that a company truly becomes the best when it invests in people. That’s why I also used the words: innovation – because we invest constantly in making the best products and diversity – because those products are created and offered by the best professionals in the world with different cultures and profiles, which is amazing.

Challenge, innovation and diversity are the keywords that define my first year after the program.

I had the opportunity to find out where I wanted to focus on in my career, and “I fell in love” with our IoT solutions. I even made a visit to our impressive IoT Lab in Limerick and I just knew that I wanted to be part of the future Dell Technologies is creating.

PRIDE ERG meeting at Dell Spain

In the meantime I was developing Dell for Entrepreneurs España, helping the best startups from Spain to become better with an awesome team: Carlos Rebollo, Jesús Ruiz and Gonzalo Elías, another proof of how Dell works with innovation. I’m proud to tell as well that last week we inaugurated PRIDE España, where people from the LGTB collective are represented here in Dell. As I said, diversity is our main flag!

Finishing this part of my Dell journey, I am now looking forward to my new role: IoT Business Development for EMEA in Dublin! I guess I’ll have to write another post soon talking about IoT… 🙂

About the Author: Jonathan Hurtado

I’m Jonathan Hurtado, I studied a B.Sc. Telecom Engineering Degree in Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain. I was part of the EMEA Graduate Program FY17 starting as a TSR, then I changed my role into an ISR for Mid-Market in Madrid until nowadays working as an IoT Business Development Representant for EMEA in Dublin. During my staying at Dell EMC Spain I kicked it off Dell for Entrepreneurs Spain to support the best entrepreneurs from the country and PRIDE Spain too. My main hobbies are travelling, reading and hiking and of course everything related with the IoT!
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