Welcome to the New Dell Community

If you've been following Direct2Dell recently, you probably knew that there were some changes coming. Recently, we've shared information about Blogs & Registration, Groups & Galleries, Forums & Wikis and RSS feeds.

All that said, we're finally here with the new Dell Community site-a place where all blogs, forums, wikis and galleries will coexist. Our hope is that this level of integration will connect you with people and information that will help as quickly and efficiently as possible-whether you are looking for support, keep up with the latest news from Dell or researching what kind of computer you need to buy.

If you already have a Dell Community Forum account, sign in. If not, take just a minute to create a new account. From there, you can comment, create ypur personal profile, add friends, have private conversations with other members and more.

Teams of people have worked to get us to this point. Still, we know it's not going to be perfect. We look forward to hearing what you like about the new Dell Community site and most importantly, about the things you'd like to see us improve.

Update: I know there are questions out there. We've set up an area for you in the Popular Topics section. Take a look at some of the discussions going on in that forum and  or see several "how to" wiki tutorials.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca