Working Together to Eliminate Hunger

Dell’s Human Resources Rotation Program (HRRP) is designed to build a team of well-rounded HR professionals who can innovate and think strategically, engage and act with clients and customers in mind, execute quickly and lead the future of Dell.

A part of Dell’s Legacy of Good plan is to “engage 75% of team members in community service by 2020 and provide 5 million cumulative hours of service to the communities in which we live and work”. Within Dell’s HRRP, the HRRP Community Service hosts quarterly events to help team members engage in service in their local communities.

For the past 5 years, the summer event has been a meal-packaging event with Rise Against Hunger, an international hunger relief organization. The meals that are packaged contain enriched rice, soy protein, dried vegetables, and 23 essential vitamins and nutrients. Each packaged meal can feed a family of 5, and the packaged meals are shipped to destinations across the globe, to locations such as Haiti, India, Kenya, and Nicaragua.

The Rise Against Hunger event is also a great way for team members to get involved with giving back to the community and to promote team work. Wyatt Clement, a member of the HRRP, said “I had the best team at Rise Against Hunger. We were all driven by knowing that we were really helping families in need. That knowledge turned what would have been a mundane task into a meaningful experience.”

This year over 70 team members from the Central Texas HR and Facilities group came together and packaged over 26,000 meals. In the 5 years that the HRRP has been participating in this event, they have packaged over 100,000 meals.

Najuma Atkinson, the executive sponsor of the event, has been involved with this event for the last 5 years and is an advocate for the cause. “Doing good in the communities where we work and live is a responsibility I feel we all have. I am so proud of the Dell HR/Facilities team for their continued support of this effort and our role in providing nourishment to so many in need.”

About the Author: Jamie Hills

Jamie is a member of the HR Rotation Program where she will rotate through 3 different areas of HR in 3 years. She is currently working as a Project Manager on the HR Business Architecture and Technology team for her second rotation. Prior to joining Dell, Jamie received her MBA from BYU with an emphasis in HR and Organizational Behavior.